After placing an order or when the auction end, you will need to communicate with the seller and get all the details of your purchase. Once your order is approved, seller will dispatch it within 24 to 48 business hours.
You will receive a shipping confirmation by email containing tracking details with tracking number, courier service and estimated arrival date after your order is dispatched. Depending on your location, delivery will normally take 1-3 business days (West Malaysia shipments), 3-5 business days (East Malaysia shipments) and 5-10 business days (international shipments) from dispatch. We’ll be sure to keep you updated with tracking information and the estimated arrival date.
Please keep in mind that while we aim to always deliver within the specified times, we cannot be responsible for delays due to customs clearance, courier delays or failed payment approval.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to chat with us via the chatbox under 'Messages' or reach out to us at We're here to assist you!